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Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Bambo tree

Bamboo Tree
                   Bamboo tree is a plant that is very useful for humans. Bamboo tree is widely available in various regions in Indonesia. Bamboo tree can grow anywhere, they usually grow in the forest but they can’t grow in the beach.
                   Bamboo trees are a type of grass plants with a cavity and a segment on the stem. Bamboo tree has many names BULUH, AUR, and ERU. In the world bamboo is the fastest growing plants, bamboo trees in a day may grow more than over 60 cm even more depending on soil conditions.
                   Bamboo tree are tall and strong tree, but has many small thorns on the stem. People can use all parts of this plant, stems can be used to build houses, leaves may be used for pet food, bamboo shoots can be made Javanese food. Bamboo is often used as a musical instrument that characterizes each region in Indonesia. Bamboo is also widely used as a weapon.

Nama   : Ega Yunanto .I.
No       : 10
Kelas   : 9D
Tugas Bahasa Inggris  Report  
                        Smp Negeri 2 Kebumen

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